
Personal Essay

Scotty Escobar
Nov 24, 2021
Originally exhibited at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art

Many years ago, my mother shows me photos of her home in Guadalajara, México. Mementos of a life I never lived uncurl between her hands.

“This is the pueblo I knew before coming to California,” she says while holding rustic colors and strange architectures. “I inherited a home here. If God wishes, maybe this will be yours one day.”

“But what would I do with your home?” I ask my mother, uncertain of this home outside my homeland.

“Appreciate it,” she answers.What else is there to do?”

Originally written on December 27, 2019.



Scotty Escobar
Scotty Escobar

Written by Scotty Escobar

Un perfil donde puedo compartir mis escrituras.

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